I spent a career in technology developing tools for artists. At Apple, we led the digital image revolution where I discovered, encouraged and showcased the works of amazing talent from around the world. The visual image has always excited me. I've been capturing images for my own pleasure for decades.
My husband died and I searched for my new identity. Who was I now? I began a journey of discovery that led to breaking free of preconceptions, embracing and exercising my creative muscles. Now I am sharing my personal vision with others.
I have always been attracted to the idea of finding beauty and value where it’s often overlooked — a piece of sea glass, a rock, a person. Suddenly I was exploring and finding color and texture hidden in plain sight. I feel, at last, my inner vision has been made real and I am love giving it expression.
Life is a gift, still full of possibilities..
Fine artist, Howard Lamar, on Lisa's photography . . .
"A while back, a friend showed me some of Lisa Wellman’s photography. I saw first the richness of the photographs, second the impeccable composition, and third the consistency of her approach and vision. It was very clear.
"I thought I was looking at work from someone who had done this a long time as you generally don’t have those qualities all in tack but have to work on them. I was stuck by her high quality, especially the composition and eye that sees powerful beauty in such an unique aesthetics.
"Lisa is new to photography but her career as a vice president of marketing at Apple and CEO of several online companies, gave her a training ground for developing her eye."